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We support people to come together to create community projects that use their skills and creativity.

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Molly is on the organising team for Las Palmas de Gran Canaria’s first Repair Café. This initiative aims to reduce waste, maintain repair skills and strengthen social cohesion.


Visit Repair Cafe Las Palmas for more information.







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Molly is one of the founder members of Mogan Project, a rural reforestation and community building project, with a focus on creativity, wellbeing and nature education.


Mogan Project initiatives have included supporting several classes from the local school to reforest a local plot of land and to design and paint a 'forest' mural at the heart of the village. 






Canarias Siempreviva, a Fondo Verde group, is participating in the Gigatonne Challenge. We are currently reducing 10 tonnes a month of greenhouse gas emissions through composting in 20 schools.


We are also carrying out a participatory diagnosis on organic waste management (funded by the Cabildo) and developing  'Families for Future,' a contact with nature programme for 20 new schools. Things are moving fast so please follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with what we are up to: @canarias.siempreviva

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For this intergenerational project we brought together a team of young people from the International School Brussels (ISB) two retired teachers and a class from a small Belgian School pre-school to work on a contact with nature programme at the Chant de Cailles, a local Urban Agriculture Project.

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